St. Mary Canal Diversion Works Dam Replacement and Fish Modifications

Owner: Bureau of Reclamation
Location: Blackfeet Reservation, Glacier County, Montana
Project Summary: St. Mary Canal Diversion Works Dam Replacement and Fish Modifications is located approximately 8 miles north of St. Mary, Montana, in Glacier County. The work is located on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Scope of this project includes: Constructing temporary diversion canal and temporary crossing. Diversion and care of stream during construction. Constructing cofferdams. Removal and control of water. Earthwork for structures, canal, and roadways. Constructing cast-in-place concrete features. Installing water supply well and system. Furnishing and installing metal building system. Providing system control and monitoring. Furnishing and installing electrical features. Furnishing and installing mechanical features. Removal of existing features.


East Boulder Stage 6 Embankment Raise and Tailings Storage Facility